Nowadays, most parents dream that their child should study and reach a high position. In this fast-paced life, they never pay attention to the character building of their child, rather their focus remains stuck only on his marks. If the child scores good marks in his class, then that is enough, nothing else is needed.
In our Indian society, since ancient times, along with education, a lot of attention has been paid to character building of children. Character building is an integral part of education. Education can be considered complete only when the child is educated as well as has a good character, otherwise education is incomplete.
When it is said that life is a struggle, then it is necessary to have character to face this struggle-filled life. This is because only a person with character has the power to become victorious.
It is a good thing that you want your child to become a doctor. Whether your child becomes a doctor or not is not a big matter, but if he becomes characterless, then it will be a big matter.
Even if he becomes a doctor, he will remain a characterless doctor. It is possible that in the future he will leave you in an old age home in an expensive car. Then you should not be sad. Because you wanted him to become a doctor, so he became a doctor.
In this article I am going to tell you why character building along with education is necessary.
Why is character development important in education?
Character education makes children good citizens. Along with educating them academic knowledge, moral, polite, practical, healthy, critical, obedient or social qualities are also nurtured in them. A person endowed with such qualities never breaks down in adverse circumstances in life.
Character education is a teaching approach that focuses on developing students’ moral and ethical values. This educational philosophy aims not only to impart academic knowledge but also to prepare students to become responsible and compassionate members of society.
Character building is the key to success in life. If a person of character reaches very high positions, it benefits many people and even if he is unable to reach those positions, he is still recognized as a respected person in his society.
How can we build the character of children?
Swami Vivekananda said a wonderful thing that we become what we think. It is because of our thinking that we develop virtues and vices.
Every parent should try to ensure that their children are always nourished with good thoughts. Good habits and thoughts teach us to control ourselves. It paves the way for us to walk on the right path and keeps us away from wrong deeds. This is culture.
Character is built by speech, thoughts and good conduct. Children should be taught to speak the truth and speak good things at home and school. Parents should also see what subject their children are interested in. They should be given a chance to progress in that subject.
In today’s time, culture is becoming secondary in our society. Which is affecting the children. If children stop respecting their mother, father, teachers and elders, then our society cannot progress. That is why always pay attention to how your child behaves with his elders.